
Truffle • Chrissoveloni Domain

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Project • " Consolidation, restoration and functional conversion - Chrissoveloni Manor " - Ghidigeni, Galați - cod LMIGL-II-a-B-03082.01

Primary funding source • Timbrul Monumentelor Istorice (I/2023 session) - Ministerul Culturii - Institutul Național al Patrimoniului

​Client and co-financier • Ion Nicolae Chrissoveloni

Status • In progress

​General and architectural designer • Atelier Abrupt Arhitectura (arch. Cosmin Pavel, arch. Cristina Constantin)

​Architectural designer • Alalong Studio (arch. Ana Băbuș, arch. Diana Necula, arch. Octavian Puiu) and arch. Irina Petra Gudană 

​Head of complex project and specialist consultant • Remon Proiect - arch. Smaranda Baciu (Ministry of Culture certified expert), arch. Constanța Carp (Ministry of Culture certified expert)

Preservation structural engineering • Expertize-Proiectare-Consulting - eng. Mihai Biriș (Ministry of Culture certified specialist), eng. Lucia Giosan, prof. dr. eng. Mihai Paul Ioan (Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Public Works and Territorial Administration certified expert)

Architectural survey 2023 • arch. Irina Petra Gudană, Alalong Studio, Atelier Abrupt Arhitectura

Architectural survey 2017 • "Întâlnire la Palat" (workshop team), arch. Marian Lazăr (Scanări Clădiri - 3D Building Laser Scanning)

​Utilities engineering • AMS Instal - eng. Ana Maria Florescu, eng. Vlad Cârlan, eng. Cătălin Năvodaru

Parament study • Faber Studio – rest. Maria Dumbrăvician, rest. Ioana Olteanu, rest. Laura Hangiu

Landscape survey • Omuleții Verzi – peis. Miruna Petrică

Historical research • arch. Constanța Carp (Ministry of Culture certified expert), arch. Cristina Constantin, arch. Irina Petra Gudană

​Partners • The Ghidigeni Cummune Hall, The Ghidigeni Commune Library, Ghidigeni Secondary School​ no. 1

Communication • Mihaela Gudană (librarian and ambassador of the Chrissoveloni domain, in Ghidigeni)

Together with • The Chrissoveloni Family, Imobiliara Chrissoveloni and the "Întâlnire la Palat" team

Photo • "Întâlnire la Palat" (workshop team), Florin Toader (2016)

Video • The Guy Arts Media


Workshop I (2015) & II (2017) • stud. arch. Irina Petra Gudană, Mihaela Gudană, arch. Cosmin Pavel, arch. Cristina Constantin, arch. George Marinescu (Atelier Ad Hoc), arch. Marian Lazăr, arch. Oana Codru, arch. Teodora Pașcanu, stud. arch. Ana Maria Arhire, stud. arch. Ana Babuș, stud. arch. Alexandru Baciu, stud. arch. Anca Bardan, stud. arch. Andrei Bujorean, stud. arch. Adelina Cucoranu, stud. arch. Carina Davidoiu, stud. arch. Loredana Enache, stud. arch. Georgiana Ivan, stud. arch. Adonis Lemnaru, stud. arch. Laura Mazâlu, stud. arch. Diana Necula, stud. arch. Andrei Nicolae, stud. arch. Ionuț Paraschiv, stud. arch. Adina Popa, stud. arch. Elena Popa, stud. arch. Octavian Puiu, stud. arch. Diana Rîmniceanu, stud. arch. Raluca Sabău, stud. arch. Ștefan Sălăvăstru, stud. arch. Andrei Subțirică, stud. arch. Lelia Tatu, stud. arch. Rareș Urzică, photographer Bogdan Alistar


“Nikolaos Chrissoveloni buys, in 1878, from Dimitrie Mavrocordat, a vast domain in Ghidigeni and, thus, changes the history of this village. In the following decades, he builds - the mansion with its garden and swimming pools, the tomb in the forest, the private railway, the church, the village school, the spirits factory, the first indoor tennis court in Romania, the golf course and the brick factory. This extensive development created jobs for the inhabitants of the village.

The Chrissoveloni family maintains a friendly relationship with Queen Maria of Romania and, as a result, during the First World War, the mansion is converted into a war hospital for the Queen Maria ambulance network, following the project of architect Edmond Van Saanen-Algi. The family founds the Chrissoveloni Bank in Bucharest, at 17 Lipscani Street, and develops a real estate business, but after the end of the Second World War and the establishment of the regime that followed, the nationalization of all properties determines the family to leave Romania. The four heirs return to the country after 1990, attempting, successfully, to recover their parents' properties.

Therefore, the Ghidigeni Mansion was alternately a vacation home, a permanent residence, a destination beloved by Queen Maria of Romania, a war hospital, a communal household, an orphanage and, finally, after 1992, a historical monument over which silence has fallen.

Today, only a part of the former domain remains:

• the mansion consisting of the main body (first built) and the administrative wing;

• the building of the former indoor tennis court (today modified from its original form - without the historic upper floor) and the bowling alley;

• the building of the former stables;

• the French garden with two terraces and water basins (today deteriorated);

• part of the alley system and circulations at the domain yard level;

• the porter's cabin and several other parasitic constructions from the period of the socialist regime;

• the Chrissoveloni family mausoleum, a historical monument, located on the opposite bank of the Bârlad river.

The mansion is part of the collective memory of Ghidigeni village, and its values ​​survive thanks to the community. The project became possible thanks to all those involved in preserving and promoting the local cultural heritage, and in the future, the manor will once again be part of the heart of the community.”

arch. Irina Petra Gudană


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